Council Member Karla Cisneros Opposes I-10 Elevation

In a letter to the Director of Project Development Texas Department of Transportation – Houston District Office, Council Member Karla Cisneros voices her opposition to the project.

You should definitely read the entire letter.

Some highlights:

In addition to the over 150 individuals who have copied me on the comments they submitted to TxDOT, I
have also heard from Super Neighborhood 22 and other neighboring civic clubs, representing a total of 26
smaller neighborhood organizations. Every single letter, every single communication to me, has been in
opposition to the project. I have not received one single communication of support from anyone who has
contacted me or my staff.

What I see is a general lack of trust. People just do not believe that TxDOT is a good faith partner.

Many have expressed that there has been a lack of transparency, engagement, and overall dubiousness
around the project. They also feel that the project, in its current form, seems to be a waste of taxpayer money
and jeopardizes the tranquility of the community.

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